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Core Values

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  2. Sustainability
  3. Core Values
Core Values Technology First, Respect for Human Resources, Customer Impression

First, Technology First

We execute our tasks with the
best technologies.
Individuals and the organization shall accept a wide range of technologies and develop them further to contribute to the enhancement of competitiveness of our customers while raising the Company’s value.

Second, Respect for Human Resources

“Man is the key resource” is
the company’s believe in human resources.
Every member of the Company shall fully understand that the Company’s future depends on each individual’s mindset and competence, so we create a corporate culture where everyone is equipped with excellent capabilities and respects for itself and others

Third, Customer Satisfaction

Customers’ trust and impression are the driving force of the Company’s development.
We will develop further by providing the reliable services that could impress our customers while fully exercising our spirit of active ownership.

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