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Engine Design

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Engine Design
We have realized the future-oriented competitiveness and customer satisfaction with design of the best quality.

Engine design of HD Hyundai ENT is developed through the use of a large engine, a main product of the engine machinery division of HD Hyundai Heavy Industries, taking a large share in the global engine market, and 3D CAD along with our extensive experiences and knowledges in engine design, so it plays a pivotal role and leads a great improvement in the design and production of eco-friendly engines.

The basic design for a large-scale engine is constructed with the design of tools for maintaining/repairing the structure, drive, and combustion components of the engine, the design of dispatch patterns for the block delivery, the evaluation of vibration/noise of the engine, and the measurement to ensure the compliance with the NOx environmental regulations for exhaust gases.

In addition, by utilizing the design drawings of our technical partners (MAN-ES, Win-GD), we handle troubles arising from the detailed comprehensive design of iron rig/ small engine, exhaust pipe, pipe and electrical system’ large engine productivity improvement design; design for minimizing field difficulties through the use of 3D modeling and TOA (total assembly); design reflecting a shipowner’s comments and VOC for customer satisfaction; and small engine, exhaust pipe, pipe, and electric system incurred during operation after trial drive and ship delivery.

Himsen engine design is supplied to various fields such as power generation of large vessels, propulsion of medium sized vessels, onshore power generation, and emergency power generation for nuclear power generation, and we offer the design and production of components for developmental engines and mass-produced productions. Also, for the design of power generation, we offer various services including the production inspection and delivery, field installation, trial operation, and supervision to enhance an engine’s competitiveness, with our extensive experiences and outstanding competency and technology.

Main Field

  • Large Engine Small Exhaust System Design
  • Large Engine Steel Cabinet Design
  • Large Engine Piping Design
  • Large Engine, Himsen(High Force) Engine/ Vibration Measurement, Knox measurement, and Evaluation
  • Himsen(High Force) Engine Design
  • (Marine Machinery) SCR/FGSS Component Design
  • Technical Support for Power Generation Construction

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