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HD Hyundai ENT, a company bringing the utmost impressive experiences

HD Hyundai ENT was founded as Mipo Engineering, an affiliate of Hyundai Mipo Dockyard Co., Ltd.,
and has made remarkable achievements as a member of HD Hyundai Group.


In 2023, Hyundai E&T changed its name to HD Hyundai ENT and started anew. As an affiliate of HD Hyundai Group, we are expanding our business areas into shipbuilding design, shipbuilding inspection, electric design, engine design, and construction machine design.

The future of our company is to be a “company bringing the utmost impressive experiences to its customers” by bringing the best technology and quality while respecting its talents through communication and harmonization.

Hyundai E&T Company Overview
Company Name HD Hyundai ENT
Establishment year 2004
Address 42, Munhyeon 6-gil, Dong-gu, Ulsan, Republic of Korea
Telephone +82-52-280-2115
Fax +82-52-280-2020

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