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Construction Machinery Design

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Construction Machinery Design
We have been leading the construction equipment market through our firmly established partnerships with our customers.

Under the goal of developing the world’s best construction equipment, we are focusing on upgrading our products such as excavators wheel loaders, and forklifts by applying new designs and enhancing automatic control systems and driver-oriented convenience. Especially, we have successfully introduced and operated the PDM (Product Data Management) system which allows the reduced process cycle time and efficient data management.

In HD Hyundai ENT Construction Equipment Design, we have been dedicated to the design of development of new technologies, including simulation programs, ergonomics, and special specifications for each functional field of excavators, wheel loaders and forklift. Also, with the design for supplementing mass production and 3D CAD, we have managed to enhance and develop the existing technologies for the future.

Main Field

Main Field
Construction equipment design Excavator, Wheel Loader, Backhoe Lader, Road Equipment
Industrial Vehicle Design Medium or Large Forklift, Electric Forklift
  • Service Technology
  • Production Technology/Material Management

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