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Electric Design

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Electric Design
Designing technology for the future, that’s our true value!

HD Hyundai ENT Electric Design, along with HD Hyundai Electric, a company specialized in eco-friendly comprehensive energy solution, offers the 3D library development and establishment, ranging from power generation, transmission, distribution, and industrial machinery, the entire stages of the power generation system.

Electric Design, constructed with 6 major product designs, make a full utilization of design tools specialized in designing of electric and electronic devices such as 3D CAD and E-PLAN for high efficiency and high reliability of electric and electronic devices. Through the use of the accumulated 3D library data, design productivity has been significantly improved and 3D modeling layout plays a pivotal role in improving customers’ satisfaction. In addition, with the use of E-Plan, we have managed to lead an increase in the quality of main circuits and control panels, essential for controlling electric and electronic devices.
We have made significant contribution to strengthening the competitiveness of HD Hyundai Heavy Industries by establishing the premium image.

Main Field

  • design of electric devices for power generation (ultra high voltage breaker and high voltage transformer)
  • design of industrial electric products (distribution board, transformer, motor)
  • design of marine electric products (distribution board, transformer, motor, generator)

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